Join us for: release +Renew- A workshop for mothers

2020 has been A LOT! And no one has felt it more than mothers. You juggled, you marched, you made a bijillion snack runs, you cried and even when you were exhausted YOU SHOWED UP! 

Join us on Sunday, December 20that 1 PM Eastern, for a circle workshop designed to help moms process and release so much of what has weighed on them this year, while creating an intentional plan for what's to come. 

With so much uncertainty still, it can feel pointless to plan anything for a new year. I get it. But setting intentions based on what matters has a way of grounding you, even when things aren't quite working the way you had planned.

During our time together, you will be guided through a series of questions to help you:

  • Acknowledge exactly where you are at physical and emotionally 

  • Name the hard things that you had to process and may still be in the midst of processing

  • Celebrate personal wins that you may not have had time to because life was going so fast

  • Release anything you are wishing to no longer be tied to

  • Create a list of hopes for the year ahead

  • Commit to showing up for yourself and choosing simple rituals that will enable you to do so

  • Receive tools to create a personalized affirmation to ground you when shit hits the fan 


The price for this workshop is $33.

We do our best to make event accessible to all, if you’d like to attend and don’t have the financial means, shoot Stepha a DM.

Meet Your Guide

Meet your guide, Stepha-5.png

Can’t make it but want to keep in touch?

We know life gets busy, but would love to have you Join our Mama Collective to get our newsletter and updates on future offerings.